On November 30, 2018, The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta (LSPR-Jakarta) hosted seven doctors from the National Brain Centre Hospital (PON Hospital). The main goal of this visit was to discuss the Partnership Program between PON Hospital and LSPR-Jakarta.

Ibu Prita Kemal Gani explained about LSPR to the team of National Brain Centre Hospital
According to the plan, LSPR-Jakarta will make a program to promote stroke prevention and control by involving LSPR lecturers, students and PON Hospital members respectively. LSPR-Jakarta will contribute through research on the topic of “INTELLIGENT” behaviour (i.e. routine health checks, eliminate cigarette smoke, diligent physical activity, healthy and balanced diet, adequate rest, and manage stress) and at the same time, increase Jakarta’s public awareness about stroke.
Similarly, PON Hospital will provide opportunities for LSPR students and lecturers to submit research according to the needs of PON Hospital. Furthermore, PON Hospital will provide speakers to educate a public on autism awareness by providing experts and places related to autism. At this time, students will have the opportunity to intern at PON Hospital.

LSPR & National Brain Centre Hospital Team taking picture together
Therefore, a plan for the signing and inauguration of this collaboration will be carried out in the near future by inviting the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia: Prof.Dr.dr. Nila Djuwita F. Moeloek SpM (K).